Alberto Campo Baeza

Born in Valladolid, where his grandfather was an architect, but from the age of two, he lived in Cádiz where he saw the Light. He is an Emeritus Head Professor of Design in the Madrid School of Architecture, ETSAM, where he has been a tenured Professor for more than 35 years. He has taught at the ETH in Zurich and the EPFL in Lausanne as well as the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, the Kansas State University, the CUA University in Washington, and L’Ecole d’Architecture in Tournai, Belgique. More recently, he has been named Clarkson Chair in Architecture by the Buffalo University, and Walton Critic Speaker at the School of Architecture and Planning of CUA, the Catholic University of America in Washington. In 2018-2019 he has been visiting professor in the School of Architecture of Barcelona, ETSAB. From 2017 to 2020 he was Emeritus Head Professor of Design. In 2021 he teaches as Visiting Professor at the New York Institute of Technology.